Large welded parts and assemblies controlled like never before. Our unique industrial metrology solutions allow for fast and precise dimensional controls of complex and long jobs. Move forward with trust throughout your manufacturing projects thanks to a fast and reliable dimensional validation method giving you the part true condition.
Predict the assembly of large parts using our expertise in virtual assembly. It’s now possible to perform a virtual set-up, thus avoiding large costs in handling and adjustment normally done on-site. The virtual assembly method allows to predict more efficiently the outcome of large parts coupling for a better planning if prior modifications are to be performed.
Evaluate your storage tanks integrity with our customized solutions developed for the assessment of API 653 criteria such as plumbness, settlement or the different surfaces deformation modes. The laser 3D scan also allows to produce a 3D model and 2D drawings of the storage tanks mechanical, plumbing and structural elements. Volume calculations such as tank and dike capacity are eased thanks to our analysis method versatility.