Research & Development

We rely on a solid team of 5 researchers at doctoral or post-doctoral level (acquired, or in progress). Our specialties evolve around thermography, acoustic emissions, drone and immersive inspections, as well as the entire aspect of artificial intelligence related to inspection.

We were also selected by Shell for an R&D contribution with their Game Changer program.

If you have any projects that seem aligned with our strengths, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss possibilities of collaboration to advance inspection methods.

Inspections by Thermography

Inspections by Thermography

We have high-level thermography researchers among us. We are able to push today's expertise, whether through heat flow simulation or interpretation using artificial intelligence.


We are also able to push data capture capabilities by drone.

Immersive inspections

We are constantly improving our capabilities for the automated capture and interpretation of immersive inspection data, particularly for confined spaces.


We aim, no more and no less, to reduce entry into confined spaces for the safety of workers, while increasing the quantity and quality of data collected for the reliability of equipment.


The objective of capturing and monitoring a digital twin during internal inspections gives us a lot of energy.

Immersive inspections
Automated interpretation by artificial intelligence

Automated interpretation by artificial intelligence

We are mainly specialized in the interpretation of visual inspection data (photos, videos, point clouds), or thermographic data.


We are active in several industries, which allows us to collect real data and feed machine learning.


We also put a lot of emphasis on data capture by drone since we are operational internally.


We have in-house prototyping capability


We have 3D printers, as well as a CNC machine for the rapid production of components generally related to data capture.


Our research partners
